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01. Forgiveness is the key to happiness.
02. Forgiveness is the greatest healer of all.
03. Forgiveness is the releasing of judgments, grievances, attack thoughts and shoulds (darkness) and replacing them with peaceful, loving, uplifting and healing thoughts (light).
04. Forgiveness is the letting go of anger, hurt, fear, shame and guilt (“the emotionally reactive ego”)
05. Forgiveness is the releasing and transforming the polarities/dualities of victim/victimizer; right/wrong; black/white; good/bad; win/lose etc:
06. Forgiveness is the letting go of separateness, i.e, the thought of separation and replacing it with thoughts of unity.
07. Forgiveness is the letting go of the hope for a different and better past.
08. Forgiveness releases the blocks and barriers to the presence of love, joy, peace, innocence, harmony, wholeness and balance.
09. Whatever you give (for give ness) you give to yourself, thus all forgiveness ultimately is self-forgiveness.
10. Forgiveness is a major shift in perception and attitude.
11. Forgiveness (radical) is the awareness that nothing harmful ever happened and only love exists.
12. Forgiveness allows one to see the God/Light/Love/Innocence within oneself and the other.
13. Forgiveness reveals that all minds are joined.
14. Forgiveness requires a little willingness initially and abundant willingness eventually.
15. Forgiveness needs to be repeated over and over again to every little irritation, frustration and guilt and every major attack thought, anger, resentment, hurt, disappointment and bitterness.
16. Forgiveness (spiritual) requires the help of a higher power or force (higher mind, holy spirit, higher Self, Jesus, Jehovah, Buddha, Brahmin, Shiva, Allah, etc.)
17. Forgiveness reveals equality and oneness.
18. Forgiveness (total) is the path to salvation and enlightenment.
19. Forgiveness (along with Gratitude) activates more miracles than anything else.
20. Forgiveness reconnects/realigns us with the experience of God/Goddess/All There is,
allowing us to remember that “God/Self/Being Is”.

Ten Healing Affirmations

1. An inch is a cinch, a yard is hard.
2. Inherent in every difficulty is the seed of an equal or greater benefit. Find that seed and nurture it.
3. Every day in every way I am getting stronger and stronger, healthier and healthier, better and better.
4. I thank God/the universe that I am a Holy Son/Daughter of God/the universe
5. I thank God/the universe the origins of my problems have been resolved.
6. I thank God/the universe I have forgiven everyone in my life including myself, my family, my friends and God.
7. I thank God/the universe my problems have been solved and I am at peace.
8. I thank God/the universe I am healed and I am joyful.
9. I thank God/the universe I am calm, relaxed and at peace.
10. I thank God/the universe that my life is, has always been and will always be unfolding perfectly according to God’s or the the universe’s divine plan.
(C) Phil Friedman, Ph.D, 2001;

12 Fundamental Choices for Happiness

1. Choose to be happy (make a decision and make it your intention/commitment everyday under all circumstances)
2. Choose to take responsibility for your life (thoughts, feelings, beliefs, experiences, values, behavior).
3. Choose to see things differently, to see new possibilities and options and to see problems as opportunities, challenges and gifts.
4. Choose peace over conflict, love over fear and balance over imbalance.
5. Choose to be joyful and to create fun and enjoyable activities in your life.
6. Choose to be true to your (deepest) Self and to express it (feelings, thoughts, values, behavior)
7. Choose to forgive and let go of judgments and grievances.
8. Choose to be positive and optimistic.
9. Choose to be loving and giving (generous) and to join with others.
10. Choose to be appreciative and grateful for both small and big things/experiences in your life.
11. Choose to discover, listen to and follow your vision/purpose in life.
12. Choose to connect with a higher/inner Source/Spirit/Force/God/Being.
C) Phil Friedman, Ph.D 2001;

12 Fundamental Choices for Unhappiness

1. Choose to be unhappy (make a decision and make it your intention/commitment everyday under all circumstances)
2. Choose to not take responsibility for your life (thoughts, feelings, beliefs, experiences, values, behavior).
3. Choose to see things rigidly and inflexibly and to see problems as obstacles, blocks and barriers.
4. Choose conflict over peace, fear over love and imbalance over balance.
5. Choose to be glum/miserable and to create boring activities in your life.
6. Choose to be true to your ego and false to your deepest Self and toexpress it (feelings, thoughts, values, behavior)
7. Choose to hold onto judgments and grievances and nurse hurts.
8. Choose to be negative and pessimistic.
9. Choose to be unloving and withholding and to be separate from others.
10. Choose to be unappreciative and ungrateful for both small and big things/experiences in your life.
11. Choose to deny, ignore and not discover your vision/purpose in life.
12. Choose not to connect with a higher/inner Source/Spirit/Force/God/Being
(C) Phil Friedman, 2001;